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The festival "To Feel Visible" seeks to raise awareness of disabled people and to ensure that they are heard, recognised, and treated equally.  I have discovered through my research that the arts, and other things, have aided him in connecting with society.

The festival's centering is an exhibition of works by disabled artists.  The festival will take place from the first day of May to May 31st, and will last for a month. This is because China's National Disability Day falls on the third Sunday in May. However, few people in China know about this festival and if this festival, and if it is heavily advertised on social media, it will gain more clout, Chinese people will be more aware of Disabled people and Disabled people will be more integrated into society.

"To feel visible" is an exhibition aimed at Disabled visitors, both physically disabled and those with invisible disabilities, who are the main audience of this exhibition. But visitors are not limited to Disabled visitors, as the exhibition is also accessible to non-disabled people, as it aims not only to inspire Disabled people to see the work of Disabled artists, but also to make Disabled people visible to society.


These explaining my social media promotional tactics to publicise this festival.


I designed digital booklet for an art exhibition that is part of the month-long festival called “To Feel Visible”. 

To honour the slogan of “Nothing about us without us”, a sentiment that is widely held in Disabled communities internationally, inclusion was of utmost importance. Accessibility was a key consideration for the promotional methods I use, in adhering to inclusive marketing methods such as: using [CC] subtitles in promotional posts, or just making sure audible speech is transcribed, using high-colour and tone contrast, not using ableist language, using gender neutral language etc.

The exhibition does not only include two-dimensional paintings, but also a large selection of three-dimensional works, performance pieces and contemporary installations in a variety of forms. 

Please visit the digital booklet:

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